From the Editor: Long Winter’s Nap?Apr 17, 2005 The days are lengthening and here in the far north (relative to the rest of the world, that is), and we are seeing the first stirrings of spring. Once spring begins this far north, things happen fast, and everything turns green almost right before your eyes. But this doesn’t mean that the latter half of winter is only about hibernating.
Third-Generation Variable Gauge ReamersApr 17, 2005 The successful introduction of Rotary Steerable Systems (RSS) in the late nineties has spawned the exponential growth of the Variable Gauge Reamer (VGR). More particularly and where high-cost Rotary Steerables are run and stuck pipe is a concern, they are used to reduce problems when tripping or when running casing.
By Jon Symons.
Schlumberger Develops New While-Drilling Services for Improved Drilling Performance, Well PlacementApr 17, 2005 Schlumberger has developed new-generation Scope* while-drilling tools that dramatically improve drilling performance and well placement – leading to increased production, sooner. The Scope while-drilling services set new standards for reliability and data quality, while quadrupling the data transmission rate over the industry standard.
Internet: Same Office, Different ContinentsApr 17, 2005 Everything is both bigger and smaller these days. Used to be you had to be physically close to communicate, but that ended with the written word and development of courier and postal services, and was refined through telegraphs, telephones, and successive incarnations of communications technologies. The Internet created a shared space for communications. Now we are able to create shared spaces for select people across the globe, using virtual networks. I thought it could be useful to explain virtual private networks (VPNs), and why you could really use one, right now.
By Erlend Gram Simonsen.