A deep look into deepwater finds that more than just templates on the sea floor. Environmental considerations and engineering management are some of the aspects covered in this issue. Discharge of drilling waste is now regulated in most areas of the world, and Statoil’s drilling research and technology division has been working rigorously to qualify new technology that aims to bring discharge rates to zero. We also have a description of how INTEC Engineering has applied its experience providing professional services for deepwater pipelines and production systems to the Simian/Sienna field in the Mediterranean Sea, north of the Nile delta, which boasts the longest subsea tie-back using large-diameter pipe.
Floating Production, Storage and Offshore Loading (FPSO) vessels offer a wide range of topics for discussion. From the vessel itself to turrets to pumping systems, FPSO technology is geared toward adaptability. With flexibility in mind, Bluewater explains just what aspects need to be balanced when designing an FPSO, keeping in mind that redeployment must be a key contributing factor. Our industry forecast sees strong growth in the sector, so there will certainly be more in the future regarding this field-development solution.
In finance, we hear from Société Générale Economic Research concerning the current enigma in oil pricing – although production remains high (even though OPEC has decided to cut production), oil prices continue to be high as well. The reasons for these developments as well as adjustments of the calculations make fascinating reading.
This time around, we focus on Swedish and Canadian energy sectors. This really covers a broad spectrum, as Sweden imports all the oil and gas it uses, while Canada’s reserves rank it among the world’s leaders. But even though Sweden may not be a producer, the country plays an important role in production, and its contribution to the oil and gas industry firmly places Swedish companies in the forefront. Canada’s industry has a long history onshore, with conventional oil as well as its vast oil sand reserves, but when it comes to offshore, Canada is only at the threshold of a new era.
Recent conferences in Norway and England have included the 4th annual North Sea Decommissioning Conference as well as Oceanology International (OI) and the Underwater Technology Conference (UTC). Not least, we attended the fourth industry “Trade Fair” in Stavanger, hosted by INTSOK and UK Trade and Investment, which provided an opportunity for Norwegian and British companies to share information about their activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Whether you were fortunate enough to attend one of these events or are just curious, be sure to check out the reviews.
INTSOK, Norwegian Oil and Gas Partners, has provided a glance at just how INTSOK members will feel at home when they visit the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston in May. We’ll be there too, so be sure to stop in and say “howdy”!
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