Technical data for advertising material
Page Size: (200 x 280 mm Width x Height)
Print Size: (178 x 252 mm)
Size of advertisements (in mm):
* Front Cover: (180 x 190) + 3 mm on the right side
* 1/1 page: (178 x 252)
* 1/1 page bleed: (200 x 280) +3 mm on all sides
* 1/2 page: (178 x 124) or ( 86 x 252)
* 1/3 page: (178 x 86) or ( 54 x 252)
* 1/4 page: ( 86 x 124) or (178 x 60)
* 1/8 page: ( 86 x 60) or (178 x 30)
Material required:
• PDF file (high res. and with fonts embedded), Quark
Xpress, Adobe InDesign (including fonts used), or an EPS
file, resolution 305 DPI. Photos and illustrations in CMYK
value; photos/illustrations saved in EPS format. Other
alternatives by agreement. If sending in other format than
PDF, a PDF file must be enclosed so that it is possible to
check the ad.
• We can receive digital material via the following media:
FTP-Browser: or e-mail: (10 MB limit – not responsible for
accuracy of materials received via third-party e-mail
• Extra costs incurred in making up incomplete advertising
material will be charged to the customer.
• Cancellations: By e-mail one week
before deadline to (Other e-mail not valid)
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