Wellton Energy Ltd has opened its doors for business. To provide effective sales and marketing support for companies operating in the energy industry, Wellton Energy draws upon its team of experienced senior sales and marketing managers with in-depth experience gained in the oil and gas, renewable and nuclear industries.
Seasoned energy managers generate sales, raise client profiles
According to Wellton Energy, the energy industry currently suffers from a lack of major resources across all disciplines, including sales and marketing. As a result, technical people are often placed in sales roles, which is a huge misuse of an incredibly valuable resource.
“To address this, we offer companies the opportunity to free up their skilled employees to do the work they are trained to do by retaining an independent sales and marketing company to develop new business or enter new markets, ” said Jason Brighton, Director of Wellton Energy. “Put simply, we work with the client to review its target market and liaise with prospects with the sole objective of generating sales, while raising their profile within the global energy industry,” he added.
Wellton Energy Ltd
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