Trinity provides an update on the B-9X infill well drilled at the Trintes Field on the Galeota license.
B-9X has been drilled to a depth of 4,944 ft-MD, targeting six different objectives: the F, G, M, O, OO and P sands, with the O sand being the primary target. The well penetrated multiple horizons totalling 331 feet of net oil sands, with the primary O target having 120 feet, and the shallower F, G and M targets encountering 211 feet, of net oil sands. The B-9X well is in a crestal location and this positive result indicates that further undrilled potential lies both east and west of B-9X.
On entering the OO sand level, the well encountered increased formation pressure and was shut in. As this well was not designed, nor was surface equipment rated, to manage these higher pressures, the well was TD'd and completed in the O sand, the primary objective.
Trinity Exploration
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