The EU launches network of CCS demonstration projects at DNV headquarters

Published Dec 7, 2009
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Simon Bennett; Project Manager; European Commission

The European Commission held the preparatory meeting for its new knowledge-sharing network of carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration projects. The meeting gathered delegates from 22 projects in 13 European countries. The network, which is set up to speed up the process towards full-scale industry implementation of CCS technology, is coordinated by DNV.

22 European CCS demonstration projects participated in the launch at Høvik on December 2 and 3. The purpose of the network is to facilitate a process to shorten the time from policy making to industry implementation of CCS.

After the initial introductory phases the network will provide the first-movers within the field with a means of coordination, exchange of information and experience. There will also be a focus on identifying best practices, and thereby ensuring that the best technologies available in Europe are utilized to their full potential. Furthermore the network will work closely with other international and national initiatives. Alltogether the network will enable the participants to maximize the impact of research and development and optimize costs through shared actions.

DNV’s role is to assist the European Commission in establishing and facilitating the gathering and sharing of information. DNV will organise knowledge sharing events and has recently, together with the European Commission, initiated a web-based platform. All designed to help focus the policies and actions that are needed in order to establish a long-term value chain for CO2.

DNV is also responsible for providing highly specialized services relating to information and communication functions within the network, in addition to knowledge management and CCS technology.

DNV has taken an active role in initiating industry efforts aimed at solving common technology challenges for years. Early next year DNV will launch three guidelines on CCS. DNV is also one of the founding members of the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute, an institute established with a purpose of accelerating the commercial deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects to ensure their valuable contribution in reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Tags: DNV


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