An exploration well (designated B4EW3) on Block 4 onshore Oman has started drilling. The well is located approximately 6 km east of the producing Saiwan East field and will target a prospect similar to that field. Drilling operations are expected to last for 3 to 4 weeks.
The well is drilled on a four way dip structure identified from 3D seismic and is planned to be drilled to a total measured depth of 2,000 metres. The primary target is the Khufai formation, the primary producer in the Saiwan East field, at an expected depth of 1,400 metres. The Saiwan East field geological setting is the analogue for the B4EW3 well and reservoir studies indicate that the Khufai target will have similar reservoir properties as in the Saiwan East field. The secondary target is the deeper Masirah Bay sandstone formation, which is an un-tested formation.
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