The first appraisal well on the oil bearing B4EW4 structure on Block 4 onshore the Sultanate of Oman, has finished drilling and testing is in progress. The well has primarily been designed to appraise a shallower part of the Buah limestone formation, above the producing Lower Buah section. The first part of the test conducted in the Middle Buah was negative and no oil was produced to surface.
Appraisal drilling continues and an appraisal well is in progress some 900 metres from the discovery well B4EW4-1. This well is designed to further appraise the Lower Buah reservoir section. The B4EW4-1 well continues to yield good flows under the long term production test from the Lower Buah.
A well has also been drilled to evaluate the shallower Lower Al Bashir reservoir, which had good shows in the B4EW4-1 well, but was not tested at that time. Tests are planned to commence shortly.
Tethys Oil
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