Stork Technical Services (Stork) reports the opening of its in-house FM (fabric maintenance) training centre at its facility in Aberdeen, UK.
Stork invested around £100,000 in the facility to develop the skills of its blasting/spraying operatives working across the UKCS. A range of training, including new start trade tests, product familiarisation, passive fire protection and thermally sprayed aluminium, will ensure the company’s blaster/sprayers meet the required standards and competencies prior to mobilisation. The company expects to train and skill screen over 400 personnel in the next 12 months.
Fraser Coull, operations support director for Stork Technical Services, said: “Abrasive blasting/spraying is one of our core services offerings and investing in the FM training centre was critical to the future growth of our business. We are experiencing continual growth for our integrated FM services and our new facility will enable us to meet the manpower demand to deliver on this.
Stork Technical Services
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