StatoilHydro gets drilling permit for North Sea Wilcat well

Published Jan 28, 2009
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Transocean Winner-2

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has granted StatoilHydro Petroleum AS a drilling permit for wellbore 30/5-3 S, ref. Section 8 of the Resource Management Regulations. Wellbore 30/5-3 S will be drilled from the Transocean Winner semisubmersible drilling rig at position 60 degrees 39' 26.3" North and 02 degrees 39' 33.6" East after the semisub concludes the drilling of wildcat well 30/8-4 S for StatoilHydro Petroleum AS in production license 190.

The drilling program for wellbore 30/5-3 S relates to drilling of a wildcat well in production license 309. StatoilHydro is the operator with a 44% ownership interest. The other licensees are ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS with 2.58%, StatoilHydro ASA with 19.82% and Petoro AS with 33.6%.

Well 30/5-3 S is located 30 km south of the Huldra field and 22 km north of Tune.The area in this production license consists of parts of blocks 30/5, 30/6, 30/8, 30/9, 31/4 and 31/7 and the license was awarded in APA 2003. This is the first well in the production license.The drilling permit is granted on the condition that all other permits and consents required by other authorities have been secured before the drilling activity commences.

Tags: Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, StatoilHydro


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