StatoilHydro has received consent to conduct exploration drilling of well 35/2-2 with the Transocean Winner semisubmersible drilling rig.
Well 35/2-2 belongs to production license 318 and 269. The well is located in the northern part of the North Sea, northeast of Snorre.
The well has the following geographical coordinates:
N 61 degree 52' 36.2", E 03 degree 24' 51.0". Water depth at the location is 372 meters.
Transocean Winner is a GVA-4000 type drilling facility, built in 1983 by Gotaverken Arendal in Sweden. Since then it has undergone modifications and upgrades.
Drilling will, according to the consent application, commence at the beginning of May 2009. The operation is estimated to last 73 days.
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