SPEX Group has been recognised in two categories in the Scottish regional judging of the PwC / HSBC Private Business Awards 2013.
The company was presented with an excellence award for its success in the Technology Innovation category and was jointly named as Rising Star. The Technology Innovation award specifically recognised SPEX’s development for the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry of the Emergency Severance Tool (EST), capable of cutting presently non-shearable components that are situated across the BOP stack.
SPEX will now go forward to the national judging of the Private Business Awards, where they will be considered for the UK shortlist which will be announced on Friday 28th June.
Nadir Mahjoub, Chief Operating Officer of SPEX said: “To be recognised in the Technology Innovation and Rising Star categories of the Private Business Awards is a real testament to the hard work and expertise of our team.
SPEX Group
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