Solomon Associates Offers Advice on Performance Improvement at Singapore Seminar for Asian Power Companies.
Leading consultants for fossil-fired power generation facilities will show how to use comparative data to drive margins and efficiency at June 6 event.
SINGAPORE, April 28, 2011 – Solomon Associates, the leading performance improvement company for the global energy industry, announced that it will lead a one-day educational seminar for Asian power companies interested in improving the operating performance of their existing power generation facilities. The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on June 6 at the Park Hotel at Clarke Quay in Singapore.
“Today’s decision makers in the power sector face an uncertain future with growing electrical demand, large variations in fuel and market prices, changing environmental regulations, and changing perceptions about the acceptability of certain generation technologies,” said Ed Platt, vice president of power for Solomon Associates, who will lead the session. “The one constant that remains is the need to maximize the performance of existing facilities while decisions about the future are being made.”
The seminar will cover the data and tools required to maximize the operating performance of existing fossil-fired power generation assets, encompassing plants in regulated environments, competitive market environments, and in service at industrial facilities. Platt will focus on how to leverage comparative benchmarking data to drive a successful improvement program.
Solomon Associates
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