Scandinavian Oil-Gas Magazine successfully installs third HVDC platform in the North Sea for TenneTSiemens has completed installation of the offshore platform for the direct-current connection HelWin2. Working under contract from the
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Edit page New page Hide edit links Siemens has completed installation of the offshore platform for the direct-current connection HelWin2. Working under contract from the German-Dutch grid operator TenneT, Siemens has thus achieved a decisive milestone of the German grid connection projects. “We have now installed three high-tech platforms for TenneT in the North Sea. The HelWin2 project is now in the homestretch to begin operation in the coming year," says Jan Mrosik, CEO of the Power Transmission and Smart Grid Divisions of Siemens AG. “We have achieved one more major interim milestone, and are step by step accomplishing the German government’s offshore expansion goals”, says Lex Hartman, member of TenneT's executive board. The newly installed HelWin2 platform lies 35 km north of the island after which it was named, Heligoland, directly adjacent to the HelWin1 platform Siemens successfully erected earlier in August 2013. Earlier this year in April Siemens already erected the BorWin2 platform off the coast of Borkum. |