Samson O&G advised that the Everett #1-15H well is drilling ahead in the lateral at a measured depth of 13,107 feet. Previous operations saw the 7 inch casing cemented at a measured depth of 11,231 feet. This depth was 112 feet shorter than planned but should not compromise the well because this section will be cased when the 4 inch liner is installed.
The lateral is being drilled whilst observing characteristic oil and gas shows. The Everett #1-15H well is located in Township 154N, Range 99W, Section 15 in Williams County, North Dakota. The Everett #1-15H well is Samson’s sixth Bakken well in the North Stockyard Field.
Earl #1-13H (32% working interest)
Significant progress has been made in recovering the parted tubing string which was being used to drill the isolation plugs in the Earl #1-13H well. The remaining tubing and drilling assembly consists of a 1,200 feet section and the top of this fish has been conditioned such that it should be able to be extracted in the next 24 hours.
The Earl #1-13H well is located in Township 154N, Range 99W, Section 13 in Williams County, North Dakota.
Defender US 33 #2-29H (37.5% working interest post farmout)
The location of the Defender well, which will be the first of the Niobrara horizontals, has been agreed and is expected to spud in mid-July. This well is planned as a 4,000 foot lateral in the Niobrara ‘B’ zone and will be fully funded by our farminee. The direction of the lateral will be determined only after an orientated core is recovered from the vertical pilot hole. Examination of the core and its fracture orientation will be used to finalize the preferred direction of the lateral.
The Defender US 33 #2-29H well is located in Township 25N, Range 63W, Section 29 in Goshen County, WY.
Samson Oil & Gas Limited
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