
RBG successfully completes TOTAL CSUP

Published Oct 13, 2010
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RBG Limited-3

RBG has successfully completed their part in the Cross Site Upgrade Project (CSUP) for TOTAL E&P UK Limited (TOTAL).

RBG has held the TOTAL fabric maintenance contract since December 2006, covering the Elgin/Franklin, Alwyn and Dunbar offshore assets and the onshore St Fergus site. The CSUP is part of this scope, but with a specific focus on the upgrading of passive fire protective (PFP) and painting on the Dunbar and Elgin/Franklin offshore installations, covering everything from the drilling support structure to the platform jacket.

The CSUP used a wide range of RBG's service capability - including insulation repair, painting and specialist cleaning - utilising rope access and scaffolding together with multi-disciplined personnel.

Work commenced in May 2007 and was completed safely and on time on 10th September 2010, with RBG having logged over one million man-hours. During this period both the Dunbar and Elgin platforms remained fully operational, with only minor areas being shut down. All pipe work, including hydrocarbon lines, were grit blasted and coated while pressurised and online, an activity only made possible through stringent inspection regimes and management of work sites under TOTAL's procedures. Furthermore, through the use of innovative material, access and containment solutions, work continued throughout the year without any seasonal reduction in manning levels.

Jean-Marie Dubibe, project manager for TOTAL, said: 'Over 1.2 million man-hours of fabric maintenance was achieved during the campaigns which is slightly above plan and without major incident nor production upset.'

Although at the time of campaign kick-off the market for available skilled resource was tight, RBG successfully resourced the required numbers with the right skill base and experience. The continued success of the project was ensured by the commitment of RBG and TOTAL to retain this skilled resource base from project commencement through to completion. During the contract all RBG personnel were housed on the Prosafe-owned Safe Caledonia flotel.

Garry Lewis, UK Continental Shelf key account director said: 'I am delighted we have completed the CSUP work scope on time and, most importantly, safely. We have done a great job for TOTAL and have been instrumental in assuring the integrity of its offshore assets for years to come.'

With the introduction of the Health and Safety Executive's Ageing & Life Extension Inspection Programme, key programme four, RBG is ideally placed to offer services across the entire remit including inspection and maintenance for process, electrical and mechanical aspects in relation to structures, pipelines and wells.

Tags: RBG Limited, Total


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