Australia's Peak Oil and Gas (Peak) reported that its majority controlled firm, Renco Elang Energy Pte Ltd (REE), the Operator of the North Sumatra South Block A (SBA) Production Sharing Contract (PSC) in Indonesia with a 51 percent working interest (Peak earning net 38.25 percent), has completed a seismic survey over the PSC.
Peak, through REE, together with seismic contractor, Quest Geophysical Company, and with the assistance of our Joint Venture Partner KRX (a wholly owned subsidiary of Lion Energy Ltd), has completed seismic recording operations acquiring 113 miles (183 kilometers) of 2D seismic.
During the survey an extra three lines were acquired over the shallow Paya Bili lead due to positive results from the initial seismic. In completing the seismic survey we logged around 1.2 million man hours incurring only one, relatively minor, Lost Time Injury (LTI).
Peak Oil and Gas
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