Otto encounters gas in Arpaci-2 in Turkey

Published May 16, 2008
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Otto and Incremental provides drilling report for the Edirne Licence, Thrace Basin, Turkey-Spotlight

Joint venture partners Otto Energy Limited and Incremental Petroleum have declared that their fourth well in their current drilling program has encountered gas in the uppermost primary objective of the well.

The Arpaci-2 well encountered gas while drilling into the uppermost of the reservoir targets around 169 meters. Due to the high pressures and substantial mud losses in the wellbore, the well has been plugged back and will be redrilled with an amended casing and drilling mud program to accommodate the high gas pressures. While the new well cellar is being prepared, the rig will now commence an extensive testing program of earlier gas discoveries before returning to redrill Arpaci-2 in a few weeks time.

The partners in the Erdine Gas project are Otto Energy with 35%, Incremental Petroleum with 55%, and Turkish partner and Joint Operator Petraco with the remaining 10%.

"It is pleasing that we are continuing our string of successful gas discoveries in Turkey," Otto CEO Alex Parks said. "Due to the Joint Venture's priority commitment to safety, the decision was made to plug and cement the current wellbore and to redrill with an amended casing program to counter the high pressures encountered in this shallow gas reservoir."

"These small gas fields are relatively close together and can be developed through a central development hub. We look forward to commercializing these discoveries as soon as possible."

Tags: Incremental Petroleum, Otto Energy Limited


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