
New Seismic Data Obtained Using FloatSeis™ Technology

Published Nov 10, 2016
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GWL - FloatSeis
FloatSeis™ is a new marine seismic technology that amends CDP reflection method with refracted waves data (photo: GWL)

Late October 2016, GWL explored the Barents Sea’s Norwegian shelf segment employing its new FloatSeis™ marine seismic technology. The survey was conducted with help of SeaBird Exploration’s research vessel Harrier Explorer.

It was the first shallow-water basin application of the FloatSeis™. The seabed area under the scrutiny was deliberately selected to include geological section complexities, such as multiple seismic faults and lithological heterogeneities resulting in poor reliability of data obtained with the use of the traditional CDP wave reflection method.

Implementation of FloatSeis™ technology enables amending the standard CDP reflection data with those resulting from capturing the refracted waves produced at both the upper sedimentary layer and the basal top surfaces in order to eliminate distortions and uncertainties associated with wave-based modelling of geologically similar seabed structures and obtain more coherent seismic image of the surveyed area.

As the collected data requires further processing, GWL plans to obtain its first results in December 2016.

FloatSeis™ is a GWL’s new marine seismic technology that amends CDP reflection method with refracted waves data. Using custom seismic equipment in addition to both 2D/3D seismic survey allows to record ultra-long offset refraction data together with streamer data. best online slots canada

Data processing technique TrueVelocitySolution (TVS)™ which is a part of FloatSeis™ technology adjoins this information to develop final seismic image.

It eliminates false velocity anomalies and results in final geologically reliable velocity models. This gives an improvement in clarity of seismic sections and precision of geometry of geological layers, especially for deep and geologically complex areas.

Tags: GWL, SeaBird Exploration Limited


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