
Application for new oil and gas licence in the Danish North Sea

Published Sep 24, 2010
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Danish Energy Agency (DEA)

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has received an application regarding a licence for oil and gas exploration covering an open acreage of the Danish North Sea from the Licensee of Licence 2/05, see map. The area applied for is adjoining Licence 2/05. The Licensee of Licence 2/05 is Altinex Oil Denmark A/S (Noreco), Elko Energy A/S and The Danish North Sea Fund.

The application signals the oil companies’ sustained interest in exploring for oil and gas in the Danish North Sea.

The application area is positioned in a part of the North Sea where only minor oil and gas exploration activities have been performed over the last few years and Licence 2/05 is the only licence neighbouring the area.

The Danish Minister for Climate and Energy has decided to initiate a so-called adjoining area procedure in order to issue a licence for exploration for and production of hydrocarbons covering the area. The Danish Subsoil Act gives opportunity for granting a licence for exploration for and production of hydrocarbons to holders of an adjoining licence in cases where a prospect or discovery extents into open area. Given that the before mentioned conditions are fulfilled all licence holders to adjoining areas, if any, are invited to submit an application.

Following the Minister’s decision to initiate the adjoining area procedure the DEA is now processing the application. It is the Minister who issues a new licence after finalization of the application processing.

Tags: Danish Energy Agency (DEA)


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