Lundin Norway AS has received consent to conduct exploration drilling with the Transocean Winner semisubmersible drilling rig in the North Sea.
The consent relates to the drilling of exploration well 16/1-13, and possibly a sidetrack, 16/1-13 A. The well is located approximately 170 km west of Stavanger and is part of production license 338.
The well has the following geographical coordinates: N 58° 51' 17.33", E 2° 15' 17.76". The water depth at the site is approximately 110 meters.
Start-up of the drilling operations is planned for mid-December 2009. The activity has an expected duration of 45 days for well 16/1-13 and 21 days for the sidetrack. Any potential testing of the well will come in addition.
Lundin Petroleum
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