LNG Energy Ltd. report the successful completion of the 2011 "Sling" 2D seismic program on its 100% held PPL 319 licence, onshore Papua New Guinea.
PPL 319 is in the lowland area of the Papuan fold and thrust belt between several substantial oil and gas fields and is on-trend with Oil Search's Kutubu and Gobe producing oil fields. 148km of 2D data was acquired during the periods April-June and October-December 2011, with interpretation in early 2012. The survey comprised 67 km of alluvial river flats around the Kikori River, 59 km of karst limestone and 22 km of volcanic terrain.
PPL 319 contains proven, mature Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Lower Imburu Fm. source rocks that are presently generating hydrocarbons from local kitchen areas. It is believed that PPL 319 contains clastic reservoirs of Lower Cretaceous-Upper Jurassic age (Toro-Hedinia-Iagifu sandstones), particularly in the western part and the Kikori Bend area of the PPL 319 Licence.
LNG Energy
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