Jubilant reported that the Kathalchari-NE (KL-NE) well was spudded on February 21, 2012 in the Tripura block. This is the second well drilled to appraise the Kathachari-1 (K-1) discovery.
The well is located 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) north-northeast and up-dip from K-1 and 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers) northwest and down dip of the first appraisal well Srikantabari-1.
The KL-NE will be a vertical well drilled to a total depth of 9,809.7 feet (2,990 meters) Measured Depth ("MD").
This well will test the Middle Bhuban equivalent sands encountered in the K-1 well, one zone of which had flowed at a rate of 5.2 MMscfd. These equivalent sands are expected to be encountered approximately 1,969 feet (600 meters) up-dip of the K-1 sands. The well is the fifth well to be drilled on the block.
Jubilant Energy
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