Jubilant says that KSG#68 (previously referred to as KPL-3E-2), the fourth of the six development wells of the Phase-III-Extension drilling campaign in the Kharsang Field, Arunachal Pradesh, has successfully tested for oil and has been put into production at an initial gross rate of 94 barrels of oil per day (bopd).
KSG#68 is an infill development well in the southern part of the Kharsang Field with the S-00 reservoir sand layer as the primary objective and M-00, Q-00 and T-00 sand layers as secondary objectives. The well, spud on 17 May 2013, was successfully drilled to a revised target depth of 1,510 metres Measured Depth ("MD") (1,328 metres True Vertical Depth).
Based on the updated wire line log interpretation, mud log shows and formation pressure data from the Reservoir Dynamic Tester, the Consortium identified total net pay of 69 metres, out of which 24.2 metres appears to be oil bearing.
Jubilant Energy
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