Ikon Science releases the 64 bit version of RokDoc 5.4 allowing users running Petrel* 2009 on 64 bit Vista & XP platforms to enjoy the direct real time link between the RokDoc QI system and Petrel* seismic-to-simulation software.
The plug-in has been written to take full advantage of the Ocean* framework and provides seismic interpreters with the predictive power of rock physics through calibrated inversion and modelling to reservoir modelling workflows, delivering results faster and with more confidence.
The RokDoc plugin for Petrel* has been widely taken up since it was first released in 2007 and in addition to the 64 bit capability, the latest release includes new functionality as requested by users including:
• New Log Fluid Substitution plug-in to allow plug-in users simple access to the RokDoc Gassmann Dry Rock Modelling function from within Petrel.
• Ability to export trace logs and gathers from RokDoc to Petrel.
• Import data from RokDoc by dragging the .rok file into the Petrel* Inputs tree.
• The following is saved to the .rok file: Wells (including checkshots, position set, depth conversions, markers, logs) 3D seismic, arbitrary Lines, horizons and 2D Seismic.
• Import of rock physics verified well ties, synthetics, 2D models and inversion results from RokDoc to Petrel*
Martyn Millwood Hargrave, CEO of Ikon Science, said: “We have seen a significant take up of the RokDoc plugin for Petrel* across the world as our customers recognise the need to use the predictive power of rock physics in their workflows to drive the right choice of inversions and rock properties calibration to deliver 3D and 4D reservoir models with high confidence.”
“Ikon Science was a leader in using the Ocean* framework to deliver a commercial product. We have been pleased with the high level of integration they have been able to deliver between RokDoc and Petrel. This latest version of the plug-in reinforces the power of the Ocean* framework and our openness strategy to accelerate the delivery of innovation to the industry,” added Dr Trygve Randen, Ocean* Portfolio Manager, Schlumberger Information Solutions.
Ikon Science
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