Scandinavian Oil-Gas Magazine

Expanded Waterfront for Oi18 Creates More Vessel and Dockside Demos for Visitors

Visitors to Oceanology International 2018 (Oi18) at ExCel, London (13-15 March 2018), will once again be able to participate in a series of live product demonstrations from the event’s waterside exhibitor area on the Royal Victoria Dock.

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Oi16 dockside
Dockside exhibition area during Oceanology International 2016 (photo: Oi)

Visitors to Oceanology International 2018 (Oi18) at ExCel, London (13-15 March 2018), will once again be able to participate in a series of live product demonstrations from the event’s waterside exhibitor area on the Royal Victoria Dock.

As one of the most popular attractions for Oceanology International visitors, this year’s dockside and on-water demo programme has been expanded and will now comprise daily demonstrations to offer an even more valuable experience for those attending, whilst allowing exhibitors to share their product’s effectiveness in a marine environment.

Exhibitors taking part in demonstrations for the dockside area of Oi18 have been confirmed as Braveheart, Briggs Marine & Environmental Services, CMS-Geotech Ltd, Deep Trekker, iXblue, Nord Slovakia, Norbit, R2Sonic, RTsys, Seafloor Systems, Sonardyne, Sound Metrics Corporation and Teledyne Marine.

The following dockside demonstrations will take place from a covered dockside cabin, daily throughout the event:

  • 09:30 – 10:30 – RTsys
  • 10:45 – 11:45 – Teledyne Marine
  • 12:00 – 13:00 – Nord Slovakia
  • 13:15 – 14:15 – Maritime Robotics
  • 14:30 – 15:30 – Deep Trekker
  • 15:45 – 16:45 – Seafloor Systems

Sonardyne will also run daily demonstrations of its portable underwater positioning systems throughout each day of the exhibition, separate to the main programme.

Seafloor Systems will exhibit the groundbreaking EchoBoat ASV 1.8m Unmanned Surface Vehicle, featuring the company’s innovative hot-swappable sensor module capability. Users can quickly swap sensor modules from multibeam/IMU, single-beam echosounder, ADCP, sub-bottom profiler, and side-scan sonar sensor packages. With Seafloor Systems’ externally mounted attachment assembly, multiple sensors can be deployed from the vehicle simultaneously and with its AutoNav autopilot module, users can quickly and easily pre-plan a survey, upload it to the vehicle and autonomously carry out the survey plan, returning to home when completed.

Norway-based Maritime Robotics is a provider of innovative unmanned solutions for maritime operations in harsh environments and has developed its air and subsea technology in close collaboration with civilian, governmental and military partners. Daily demonstrations will take place dockside of the company’s portable OTTER™ Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), which is a turn-key and easily deployable system for seabed mapping and monitoring of sheltered waters.

RTsys, a specialist in underwater acoustics and drones, manufactures a range of underwater acoustics systems, such as hydrophone recorders and remote buoys supplying mainly research institutes, offshore renewables and oil and gas companies. The company will run a daily programme to include demonstrations of new products including the SYPod buoy (real-time data online) and MULTHY its new 16-channel acquisition system. RTsys will also highlight its web interface RAISONNANCE, which enables users to check underwater measurements such as oxygen, turbidity, temperature, pressure and acoustics in real-time. The company will also demonstrate how its underwater acoustic communication technology is used across its portfolio.

On-water demonstrations will take place throughout the three-day Oi18 on several participating exhibitor vessels. Exhibitors taking part in these include Braveheart, Briggs Marine, iXblue, MS-Geotech Ltd, Norbit and R2Sonic.

R2Sonic LLC, a pioneer in re-inventing multibeam sonar technology, will run daily live on-water demos to highlight the capabilities of its innovative solutions. Ultra-High Density (UHD) increases the sampling rate and accelerates the process of data as it relies on additional independent bottom samples; Ultra High Resolution (UHR) provides ultra-high resolution for target investigations and micro bathymetry; Multimode provides full coverage multifrequency surveys in a single operation and with a single system; The Pipeline Mode, specifically developed for surveying pipes or cables, combines the UHR and the Multimode with two frequencies; The Multispectral Mode provides full coverage with two or more frequencies and ensures highly accurate data by matching aspect angles of the backscatter data of all frequencies and TruePix™, which is an exclusive format that enables real time process of water column imagery thanks to its highly compressed data (1% of traditional water column files) and bottom backscatter in seamless format.

For more information on individual exhibitor demonstrations and to register for Oi18, visit

Tags: Braveheart, Briggs Marine, Deep Trekker, iXblue, Maritime Robotics, MS-Geotech Ltd, Norbit, Nord Slovakia, Oceanology International 2018, R2Sonic, RTsys, Seafloor Systems, Sonardyne, Teledyne Marine