Entek high bidder on 5 offshore blocks in the GoM

Published Aug 21, 2009
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Entek updates High Island production

Entek has been confirmed as high bidder on five (5) blocks in the recent MMS Western Lease Sale 210 which closed on 19th August, 2009. Award of the blocks is subject to further review by the Minerals Management Service (MMS), however as all bids are in excess of the minimum bid level, it is anticipated the blocks will be officially awarded to Entek within 3 months by the MMS.

In its Quarterly Activities Report for the quarter ending 30th June 2009, released on 31st July 2009, Entek announced (in part):

“A window of opportunity exists as a result of the combination of the global economic slowdown and continuing low commodity prices, particularly natural gas, which has resulted in depressed activity levels in oil and gas exploration and development. With cash flow and cash reserves, Entek is well positioned to capitalize on this window of opportunity:

To exploit the less competitive hence greater opportunity bid environment in the upcoming Minerals Management Service (MMS) Federal offshore oil and gas lease sale for the Gulf of Mexico on 19th August, 2009. Sale 210 encompasses about 3,400 unleased blocks covering approximately 18 million acres in the Western Gulf of Mexico Planning Area off•'2dshore Texas. MMS estimates the proposed lease sale could result in the production of 242 to 423 million barrels of oil and 1.64 to 2.64 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Entek is currently reviewing prospects and will submit a bid or bids on blocks it considers to represent low risk exploration and or exploitation potential.”

CEO Russell Brimage said “Entek’s current position of being debt free, with cash reserves and having cash flow enabled the company to implement a low bid strategy to secure additional reserves and low risk prospects. The same strong position allowed us recently to complete a farmin into New Frontier Energy, Inc. assets in Colorado which doubled Entek’s 2P reserves. Once officially awarded by the MMS, we believe these blocks will add to existing 2P reserves whilst providing low risk prospects for exploration.”

“These blocks significantly increase Entek’s Gulf of Mexico portfolio. Entek is emerging as an active and successful explorer and producer in this region.”

Tags: Entek Energy Limited


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