Emerald Bay has reported on completion and pipeline construction operations.
Pipeline and facilities operations are currently underway at the Emerald Bay's Dorenlee property in Central Alberta. Over the past week, the Company has successfully fracture-stimulated three (3) Horseshoe Canyon wells at section 9, Range 43, Township 20. The pipeline for all three wells has been trenched, lowered-in, and back-filled. It is anticipated by management of Emerald Bay that facilities operations will be completed later this week and that all three wells will be flowing into the sales line by early next week. The Company has a 44% working interest at Dorenlee.
Shelby Beattie, President of Emerald Bay, said, "Dorenlee begins our completion operations for the ten wells we recently drilled in Central Alberta. When completing Horseshoe Canyon coal-bed methane wells, we feel it is essential that pipeline operations are completed either before or during fracture-stimulation operations to avoid shutting-in the wells for a prolonged period of time.
"Regulatory approval for the pipelines has delayed our Central Alberta operations until now. After Dorenlee, we expect operations will begin at Kelsey, followed by Chigwell, Joffre, and Lacombe. We will provide regular updates as we continue our completion and pipeline construction operations."
Emerald Bay Energy Inc.
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