Scandinavian Oil-Gas Magazine

DOE Invests to Accelerate Next-Generation Advanced Energy Systems

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has selected two projects to advance key technologies that will enable development of next-generation advanced energy systems.

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has selected two projects to advance key technologies that will enable development of next-generation advanced energy systems. The projects will receive USD 6 million of Phase 2 research funding from DOE with a performance period of approximately 3 years. The projects were selected from among five DOE-funded Phase 1 projects, recently completed by private partners.

Next-generation advanced energy systems include advanced combustion, chemical looping, gasification, turbines, fuel cells, gas cleaning and separation technologies, and carbon dioxide separation and capture technologies. Innovations for these systems will complement the nation’s clean energy and climate change goals by enabling high efficiency, near-zero emissions, and effective carbon capture.

Research and development (R&D) in these areas are supported by the Office of Fossil Energy’s (FE) Crosscutting Research Program. The program aims to advance early stage R&D for innovative FE solutions to improve availability, efficiency, and environmental performance of advanced energy systems integrated with carbon capture and storage (CCS). Key technologies within the program include sensors and controls, high-performance materials, simulation-based engineering, and water management research. The projects below will be managed by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL):

MFIX-DEM Enhancement for Industrially Relevant Flows
The University of Colorado (Boulder, CO) will further implement performance improvements to speed, capability, and accuracy of the open-source multiphase computational fluid dynamics code, MFIX-DEM. Tools like MFIX-DEM can improve the performance of advanced energy systems and reduce the time and cost of technology development from inception to commercialisation. However, time required for simulations and confidence in predictions have hindered industry from effectively using these tools. Improvements made possible under this project will enable simulations of industrially relevant projects on high performance computers that industry are likely to have within the next five years. Phase 2 DOE Cost: USD 3,000,000

Novel Temperature Sensors and Wireless Telemetry for Active Condition Monitoring of Advanced Gas Turbines
Siemens Corporation (Charlotte, NC) will continue development of its high-temperature wireless telemetry system, which will enable collection of real-time, long-term monitoring data from rotating components of gas turbines. The capability to apply sensors on rotating components is a critical tool to provide long-term active monitoring in operating gas turbines. Reliable, long-term monitoring capabilities help improve the overall reliability and availability of combustion turbines, which are in increasing demand as a highly efficient, long-term source of electricity. Phase 2 DOE Cost: USD 3,000,000


Tags: Siemens, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)