Contact Exploration Inc. report that the Contact operated horizontal Montney well (the "13-17 Well") has been successfully drilled and completed with a 15 stage water-based foam frac.
Following a 96 hour frac flow back, the well was still cleaning up, with average gross production rates over the final 24 hours of production testing being 1,150 bbl/d condensate and 8,290 mscf/d gas, being 2,532 boe/d combined (431 bbl/d and 3,109 mscf/d, or 950 boe/d combined, net to Contact and before payout) against a wellhead pressure of 1,100psi.
In addition to well head condensate, the gas analysis from the 13-17 Well suggests that an additional 25-35 bbl/mmscf of natural gas liquids are recoverable through typical refrigeration processing, and up to 70 bbl/mmscf if deep cut processing is available.
The well is currently being equipped with tubing following which additional clean up of frac water is expected over the next several days. The 13-17 Well was drilled and completed within the expected timelines and on budget.
Contact Exploration Inc.
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