Following from the announcement of 9 th November 2006, in which it advised that the High Island ST 24-L (S/2 SW/4) #1 discovery well flowed gas at the rate of 47.5 MMscfD immediately prior to shut-in at completion of the flow test, Entek Energy Limited announces that High Island Block 24- L, (N/2 SW/4) #1 spudded at 09:00 hours February 14 th 2007.
The well proposed TVD is 4,572 metres (15,000 feet) and is located approximately 1,090 metres north west of the discovery well. The well is expected to take approximately 60 days to drill.
Assuming this well is successful, it is planned to tie it back to the original facilities which are engineered to process up to 80 MMscfD. The original facilities (comprising deck and facilities) are expected to be installed at the discovery well location in April 2007. Flow lines from the facilities to the main market trunk lines are expected to be installed ready for commencement of production April to May 2007.
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