CNL Software and Vanguard Integrated Solutions have formed a technology partnership.
The two companies share the view that video intelligence should move away from closed systems, moving to open platforms allowing greater interoperability with other security assets, and thereby allowing for more effective security systems. The partnership, created under the CNL Software Technology Alliance Program, will therefore allow existing users of Vanguard’s products and users of IPSecurityCenter™ PSIM to adopt technology from either manufacturer.
Vanguard provides customers with the highest quality and extremely reliable portfolio of Security Products and IP-Based Integrated Solutions. Vanguard’s digital video recording system has an open platform architecture designed to be able to record and display high quality images from a wide range of cameras. Its rich history in networking has placed the company at the forefront in assisting clients to simplify and consolidate their Security infrastructures through IP convergence.
CNL Software,
Vanguard Integrated Solutions
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