United States focused oil and gas producer, AusTex Oil Limited, is pleased to report net oil and gas production in the month of May of 17,360 Barrels of Oil Equivalent (BOE), with an average of 560 boe/day consisting of 70% oil. A peak rate of 750 boe/day was also reached in May reflecting the strong operational performance of the company's vertical wells.
AOK successfully drilled two new vertical wells and fracced two additional wells during the month. The Company now has sixteen wells in production, three wells in production testing, and a further six wells under completion at the Snake River Mississippian Project in Northern Oklahoma. The table overleaf summarises AusTex's well status and highlights the latest operational progress.
The slight decrease in production from April was due to the minor impact from poor weather conditions and a small decline in production from two horizontal wells in which AusTex participates.
AusTex Oil Limited
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