Next Generation Wire Rope Lubricant Continues to Impress Jun 9, 2016New trials of a technologically advanced wire rope lubricant introduced to the international market by ROCOL have prompted highly positive feedback from a leading offshore contractor.
Fugro completes on Gwyn t Môr Sep 12, 2014Aberdeen-based Fugro Subsea Services Limited (FSSL) has successfully completed the trenching and burial of inter-array cables for CT Offshore at the Gwyn t Môr wind farm in the Irish Sea off the North Wales coast. The 160 turbine Gwyn t Môr is currently the largest offshore wind farm under construction in Europe.
Fugro awarded five year contract with Shell in Malaysia Feb 19, 2014Fugro Subsea Services has been awarded a long term contract by Sarawak Shell Berhad / Sabah Shell Petroleum